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What are Spinal Implants- Usage and Options?

 A spinal implant is an essential device that gives relief from back pain. It treats deformities and several spine-related problems.

Spine implants have different shapes, sizes, and significance, as the five sections of the vertebrae have spinal discs to facilitate movement.

Doctors use spinal implants to treat disorders like scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, fractures, kyphosis, spondylolisthesis, etc.

Implants are made of biocompatible materials which strengthen the spine and stabilize it. Spinal implants suppliers supply them with utmost care.

Titanium, stainless steel, titanium alloy, and other materials are necessary to make implants.  Implants made from titanium are light but strong, and magnetic resonance imaging can image these implants.


Different types of spinal implants

Doctors use different types of implants to treat the spinal complications of patients. Some common spinal implants are hooks, cages, rods, plates, screws, and spinal cord stimulators.

  •         Hooks

Doctors use hooks along with rods or other devices to keep things in place. They can be of different types. There can be intralaminar and sublaminar hooks.

  •          Cages

Cages are devices that have perforated walls with a hollow center. Patients having collapsed discs need this device.

 The cage is put around a set of discs. This cage will encourage bone growth.

  •          Rods

Rod is a flexible device that limits the movement of specific spinal sections for correcting the vertebrae.

  •          Plates

Doctors need special tools to make the plates according to the spine's shape. Screws keep these plates in place within the vertebrae.

  •          Screws

Doctors often use pedicle screws to anchor spinal rods. Screws come in various shapes and sizes. They also can treat bone fracture.

  •          Spinal cord stimulator

This implant treats back pain by sending electric shocks to it.  Medical-grade cables are used to put tension on the patient's spine. You can classify implants into fusion and non-fusion implants. Fusion implants are used in combination with bone grafts, while non-fusion implants do need any combination with bone grafts.  Fusion implants include plates, rods, screws, interbody cages, etc.  Artificial discs and growth-sparing devices are non-fusion implants.

Surgeries that make use of Spinal Implants

1. Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF)

This surgery happens uses an anterior approach to access the disc. It takes place through the abdomen and allows the surgeons to access the spine without disrupting the nerves.

Vascular surgeons help orthopedic surgeons to expose the disc by moving blood vessels and organs.

2. Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF)

In Posterior lumbar fusions, the approach is from the back. Such surgeries usually take place in the lower spine. A typical example of a spinal implant is inserting a cage within discs to maintain the disc space.

3. Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF)

It is another spinal fusion approach done from the back of the spine.

Surgeons attach surgical implants to the vertebrae and put bone grafts within the space.

Final words

There are several spinal implants suppliers in India. They make sure that the implants reach the medical units from the manufacturers.


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